Professional I.T. Infrastructure relocation services in melbourne
Professional I.T. Infrastructure relocation services in melbourne
Moving a business location is always a hassle for every aspect of the organization, its operations, and personnel. The most challenging part of a move is not transported. In most cases, carrying office equipment and supplies from one location to another is easy enough. Where the work comes in is in getting ready for the move. The time spent in organizing cabinets, desks, closets, and other office nooks and crannies can pay off handsomely by giving everyone a chance to sort through years of junk accumulation. All the valuable items are kept in boxes, and then conveniently moved to another location where productivity can resume.
Wouldn’t it be nice if computer network equipment was so easily organizable? Wouldn’t it be nice if your office had a custom, IT relocation checklist? In fact, many companies struggle with finding people who are sufficiently knowledgeable about network architecture (here we mean, not only the wires and servers but also the logical architecture and software behind it), who can make sure it all comes together with the same way after the IT relocation. Inevitably, the new office location carries with it changes, both physical differences as well as organizational or structural changes, which can have a significant impact on the computer network itself. Rarely is the original IT guy still in place at the company, so whoever manages the computer accounts is often not the best person available to reconfigure and reconstruct the network at the new location.
Furthermore, moves often involve company executives making big decisions about network upgrades and implementing new processes and other procedures. These must all be included as part of the network design. While it’s better if the budget allows for a fully new network structure to be put in place at the new location, that is rarely part of the original decision to move. So the network team must get together, work long hours over the weekend, and in some cases, sweat profusely to get the new computer system up and running by Monday morning.
How can Connect IT help to make your office relocation less stressful?
That’s where we come in. Our team of IT professionals is well-experienced in relocations. For example, prior to the move, there is a long checklist of actions that we apply to your specific situation, working with your internal IT staff (or computer consultant) to make sure that your I.T. relocation goes as smoothly as possible. We help to identify areas in which you can plan ahead, in some cases even begin moving equipment and systems before the lights turn off on Friday evening.
With the checklist in hand, having already examined the new location and possible new network requirements, we can help bring the system back to life in a way that is efficient and hassle-free as possible, ensuring that your organization and IT network are ready to run at peak performance after the office move dust has settled.
We know I.T. relocation can be a big headache, not only for the IT department, but also for the senior management, and even the staff – since often times IT relocation is accompanied by network down-times. Most importantly, however, is that for some companies, network downtimes can impact customer service performance and sales. In these cases, it is particularly critical that IT relocation services be completed as efficiently and effectively as possible. That is our goal for every client, and we look forward to working with you to make your relocation as hassle-free and worry-free as possible.